The annual meeting of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia was an opportunity to discuss the importance of transferring new research into useful technology.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Cleij, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Maastricht University Netherlands, has been invited as guest speaker to the RESOLV New Year's Reception 2019 and explains how Brightlands Chemelot Campus boosts innovation and business growth in the Maastricht region.
On 22nd of November 2018 again over 30 PhD students and early postdocs get the chance to talk to seven guests from industry, research institutes and federal institutes about possible future career options during a delicious dinner buffet in restaurant Strätlingshof in Bochum.
Different representatives from Industry, Start-Ups and Academia are invited to the RESOLV Kausurtagung 2018 in Velen. In Talks and a Fishbowl Discussion they give insides into their view on Transfer and Innovation.
On 16th of November 2017 again 30 PhD students and early postdocs get the chance to talk to five guests from industry - ranging from small start-ups to large companies - about possible future career options during a delicious dinner buffet in restaurant Strätlingshof in Bochum.
The Summer School Solvation Science presents a new format: The RESOLV Career Day. Professionals from industry, enterprises, and magazines are invited to this special all-day event to exchange career perspectives with our ECRs in lectures, meetings and a panel discussion.