Communicating Solvation Science

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"Scientific research is like an expedition to distant worlds. The explorers must overcome challenges. They don't know what awaits and must be open to new insights." - From the RESOLV Exhibition 'Völlig Losgelöst'

Prof. Martina Havenith is Honoured with the Business Award Ruhr

Martina Havenith, the spokesperson of RESOLV, was honored with the 2023 Business Award Ruhr. The award acknowledges her exceptional contributions to the Metropole Ruhr. Her outstanding efforts significantly enhance the international profile of the Ruhr Area. The field of Solvation Science, pioneered by the RESOLV Cluster of Excellence, highlights exceptional research within the Ruhr Area on a global scale.




Explore Solvation Science

What is Solvation Science? Why is it important? What results does this research deliver? And how is it performed? Since the dawn of RESOLV in 2012, we had one primary goal: To establish Solvation Science as a new research field. Besides the lab work, sharing our results with scientists, students, journalists, industry and lay people has always been part of that mission. Here we collect information on our communication initiatives. 


RESOLV has made Solvation Science a new and fast growing research area. Do you want to get newsworthy information? Then jump directly to our Press Releases , or visit the In the Media page to know about RESOLV coverage. Do you want an overview on what is going on in the RESOLV world? Then have a look at our News Page, a section that collects the latest publications, events, awards, interviews and much more. What are the current, most important, results from our scientists? Please see our Highlight Publications page. And a full database of RESOLV research output is at hand in All Publications.


RESOLV organizes or participates to scores of events, from conferences to outreach initiatives. Each event has different aims and target groups. For example, our itinerant exhibition "Völlig lösgelöst" explains Solvation Science and the research process to non-experts and students. The exhibition will open again in 2024. With comics and hand-on experiments we give comprehensible answers to questions like “why are solvents important?” and “what role does solvation science play in our daily life?”. Stay up-to-date and check the RESOLV Events page, you will find an updated list of upcoming and past events, which you can filter according to the desired category.

Social Media

We consider the social media a perfect addendum to the classic channels of communication, expecially with respect to a fast growing, multidisciplinary field like Solvation Science. If you want to be up to date with the bits and bites of our activities, follow us on Twitter. On our YouTube  channel we collect explanatory videos about solvation science, specific research results and events. On our LinkedIn  page we keep you updated on job offerings as well as networking events and highlight papers. On the Blog, mostly written by our GSS students, we report about RESOLV events and students internships, deliver career tips, interview scientists and else.

Knowledge and Tech transfer

Young students are the future scientists. Toghether with the JUGEND FORSCHT, RESOLV invited the students to see how modern cutting-edge research works. About 80 students aged 14 to 20 visited the research building ZEMOS  to get to know the cutting-edge research in the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV. We also strongly support the future choices of the younger generation and strive to improve them. In the frame of nationwide Girls and Boys day, 40 girls and 40 boys, signed up to learn more about solvation science and the profession of scientist. In frame of RESOLV Summer Camp invited pupils to experience what it is like to be a researcher during their summer vacation.