Early Career

Early Career

2021 ECR group leaders, from left to right: Exner (until 2024), Kreidt, Wiesenfeldt, Vila Verde, Rabe, Stein (until 2022), Kasanmascheff (until 2022).

Supporting Early Career Researchers at all stages of their careers is one of the major goals of RESOLV!

The ECRs consist of ECR group leaders (e.g. Junior Professors, Emmy Noether group leaders), postdocs, and doctoral researchers working within RESOLV.

Early career research group leaders do not stand in the shadow of tenured researchers but work independently with equal rights. RESOLV provides instrumental support to all ECRs via access to core facilities in ZEMOS and CALEDO, with dedicated laboratories and office spaces for junior faculty. RESOLV not only supports them scientifically but in many other respects, for example by providing a budget for career coaching and soft skill courses on advanced leadership skills, time, and finance management, to name but a few.


The ECR Board is elected annually in the ECR General Assembly. The ECR Board meets four times a year to discuss and organize the RESOLV ECR activities.

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Please contact:

Dr. Mario Wiesenfeldt >


Currently, the following RESOLV members are ECR group leaders:

Dr. Josep Cornella
Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung
Sustainable catalysis for organic synthesis Dr. Josep Cornella
Dr. André K. Eckhardt
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Organische Chemie II Dr. André K. Eckhardt
Dr. Elisabeth Kreidt
TU Dortmund
Inorganic Chemistry Dr. Elisabeth Kreidt
Dr. Celia Millon
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Photonics and Ultrafast Laser Science Dr. Celia Millon
Dr. Martin Rabe
Max-Planck-Institut für Nachhaltige Materialien GmbH
Interface Chemistry and Surface Technology Dr. Martin Rabe
Dr. Ana Vila Verde
University of Duisburg-Essen
Faculty of Physics Dr. Ana Vila Verde
Dr. Mario Wiesenfeldt
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Nachwuchsgruppe Catalysis Dr. Mario Wiesenfeldt

ECR group Leader Alumnis