MUST/RESOLV Gender and Science Meeting

Participants in the workshop: "Intuitive Decision Making" at the Gender and Science Meeting 2022 of the NCCR MUST and the RESOLV Cluster of Excellence. ©Korinna Esfeld
Culture Change in Academia
On 9-12 March 2022, the biannual RESOLV/MUST Gender and Science Meeting took place at Stoos, Switzerland. The event, open to women and men to discuss how to build a gender-fair academia was organised by the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV, in collaboration with the Swiss research network NCCR MUST (Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology).
Martina Havenith, Speaker of RESOLV, and Ursula Keller, Director of MUST, talked about the measures in place at both institutes to support women scientists. Simona Isler, Head of Gender Equality, SNSF(Swiss National Science Foundation) gave an talk about on Gender equality in research funding. And Mirja Michalscheck hold a hands-on workshop on Intuitive Decision Making.
Martin Paul, Rector of the RUB, could unfortunately not be present in Stoos but still gave a remote lecture on the problem of the leaky pipeline. You can watch a video of his talk on our Youtube Channel!