Promoting diversity, Equity, Inculsion, and Respect:

We take action to gain, retain and support a diverse range of talents in science

aim of the equal opportunity plan

Worldwide, male scientists still significantly outnumber female scientists in faculty positions. This gender gap holds true for Germany as well, despite the number of female graduate students in science being often equal or higher than male graduates. Within RESOLV, for example, the percentage of female graduate students exceeds 45% in chemistry, while it is lower than 25% in physics and chemical engineering. However, the percentage of women pursuing scientific or academic faculty careers at mor senior levels is substantially lower. Since its inception, RESOLV aims to build a highly stimulating, opportunity-filled environment, in order to gain and retain talented scientists from underrepresented groups, thereby instilling a gender- and diversity-sensitive culture. To this end, hiring strategically, establishing a family friendly environment and advancing woman leadership are pillar milestones. By these means we have been able to increase the number of female professors within RESOLV from initially 4 in 2012 to 15 in 2025. RESOLV allocates specific and separate funds for diversity and equal opportunity strategies.

FACTSHEET equality

Faculty: 6 out of 16 recruited or promoted RESOLV professors since 2019 are female and the number of international PIs and PSs increased from 5 to 12
Early Career Researchers: 3 out of 7 young group leaders are female and 3 are international
Dual Career: 8 RESOLV members have benefited from the Dual Career Program
External hiring committee: All new faculty has been selected by an external committee
Child Care: 13 children at UniKids bilingual day care, 4 infants at local ZEMOS day care
Nationalities: 39

GeDiSOLV board

The GEDiSOLV (Gender, Equality and Diversity) Board consists of all PIs and PSs as well as all ECRs in RESOLV. It is responsible for all equality and diversity questions such as the implementation of gender activities. The Speaker of the GEDiSOLV is Prof. Dr. Clara Saraceno


Visiting female researchers, workshops and training programs, networking activities

Annual Event on the Occasion of the Day of Women in Science

Show Diversity Events


Strategic measures

hiring with impartiality

  • Proactive recruiting: Search for qualified female scientists, who are explicitly encouraged to apply
  • External hiring committees: Panels are made by international experts to counteract unconscious bias
  • Co-involvement: Female PIs are personally involved in the recruitment process

promoting a Family friendly environment

  • Dual career offers for faculty
  • Child care: ProKids service, UniKids day care, child care at conferences
  • Assistance during pregnancy, nursing: Female PhDs and Postdoctoral researchers benefit from a lab assistant; group leaders benefit from a postdoctoral researcher

International female faculty

resolv and must networking together

The International Female Faculty was founded within RESOLV with the specific aim to support and promote women in scientific careers. The International Female Faculty was founded in conjunction with the Swiss Center of Excellence NCCR MUST (Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology). It organises regular International Female Scientists Meetings on Gender and Science.

2022 MUST/RESOLV meeting