Programm GSS Summer School 2018

22nd - 25th OF May 2018

Between May 22 and May 25 the GSS Summer School 2018 takes place. The first two lecture days focus on thermodynamic and transport measurements in Solvation Science and Solvation Science at large Scale facilities. Also a special lecture on work experience as a science reporter will be given by one of our lecturers. Please see below for a list of confirmed speakers.

On the third day different generic skills workshops are offered. 

On Friday, 25th of May the advanced module hands-on courses take place.

NameAffiliationTalk Title
Jean DaillantSynchrotron Soleil, FRASolvation and Large Facilities 
Frank GabelUniversité Grenoble Alpes, FRASmall angle X-ray and neutron scattering for the study of biomacromolecular hydration
Jan-Dierk GrunwaldtKarlsruhe Institute of Technology, GERX-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray photon-in/out techniques as ideal tools to identify the structure of single sites, clusters and particles in catalysts under reaction conditions
Felix LehmkühlerDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, GERStructure and dynamics of complex liquids by coherent X-ray scattering methods at storage ring and FEL sources
Olaf MagnussenKiel University, GERX-ray scattering studies of liquid interfaces
Eric MayThe University of Western Australia, AUS Managing Solids Solubility in the Production of Natural Gas and LNG
Laurent NahonSynchrotron Soleil, FRAPhotoelectron Circular Dichorism (PECD) on isolated small and complex chiral systems
Jacopo PasottiJournalist and Science Communicator, CHScience, Journalists and Curiosity
Judith PetersUniversité Grenoble Alpes, FRANeutron scattering methods to investigate biological samples in solution or in hydrated powder form
Markus RichterRuhr-University Bochum, GERLinking Technical Thermodynamics and Solvation Science 
Anouk RijsRadboud University, NLIR photons as structural probe in mass spectrometry: hydrogen bonds exposed
Martin TruslerImperial College London, UKThermophysical properties of aqueous solutions of carbon dioxide
Per UvdalLund University, SWECANCELLED



Advanced Modules

Generic Skills Workshops

Summer School Poster