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RESOLV Alumni Meeting

On Friday the 05.08.2022 the RESOLV alumni got a chance to meet once again in person and catch up with one another over BBQ and drinks. In view of its upcoming 10th anniversary, RESOLV invited all former and current PhD students and post docs for the first ever alumni meeeting.  For a reunion with old colleagues, over 20 alumni from all corners of Germany travelled back to Bochum. In the most glorious summer weather, they and the current PHD students enjoyed a lovely evening event.  

After warm words of welcome by the spokesperson of RESOLV, Prof. Dr. Martina Havenith, some of the alumni presented their career path in short, stimulating talks. It quickly became clear that the opportunities for RESOLV graduates after earning their doctorate are numerous. The seemingly most obvious path, staying in academia and becoming a post doc is only one of the many options. For example, it seems quite surprising that a chemistry doctoral student from Bochum ended up working for major german soccer club. “Certainly not as a professional soccer player but as a data analyst!”, as was laughingly stated. At second glance, it is quite logical that the skills a doctoral student learns can be used in a variety of ways and are highly sought after outside of academia.

All speakers agreed that no matter which career path a PhDs student wants to pursue, the education in RESOLV gives them the very best prerequisites to be successful in their life and career.