Solvation Science alive:


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Jan Schnatwinkel presenting his research results in the new RESOLV online seminar series ©Jan Schnatwinkel, RUB

RESOLV seminars go online

A new opportunity for RESOLV young academics.

On 29th June 2020 RESOLV held the first online seminar for young scientists. RESOLV PhD student Jan Schnatwinkel from the research group of Prof. Christian Herrmann gave a talk on 'Biophysical studies of intrinsically disordered proteins in signal transduction pathways' in front of ca. 50 attendees. The event is the first of a series of weekly seminars in which RESOLV PhDs and Postdocs will present their research topics.  

Before the pandemic, RESOLV was holding colloquia and seminars almost on a weekly basis, hosting talks by international experts from the solvation science community. “We wanted to continue offering our young scientists these kind of events and we are happy we could restructure them into online platforms. Thanks to the new format our young academics can train their presentation skills and keep their fellows updated about the solvation news in the Cluster.”, says Prof. Martina Havenith, RESOLV’s Speaker.