Solvation Science alive:


May 2016
  • CampusLife

America! Tropyl radicals, sports and campus life.

When I was first thinking about where to go for the GSS internship, I considered whether I should join a group that was using helium nanodroplet…

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Apr 2016
  • CampusLife

White Nights at the Finnish Nanoscience Center

The land of thousand lakes, a nickname Finland has earned from the naturalists, elegantly describes the two colors green (land) and blue (lakes) at…

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Feb 2016
  • CampusLife

Being a visiting student in Irit Sagi Lab

My name is Elena Decaneto and I am a graduate student in Chemistry at the Ruhr University of Bochum currently working at the Max Planck Institute for…

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Jan 2016
  • CampusLife

Visiting Cardiff during the Rugby World Cup

I had the great opportunity to have a research stay for two months in the laboratory of Prof. Hutchings at the Cardiff Catalysis Institute in Wales in…

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Jan 2016
  • Events

Exhibition Völlig losgelöst – Completely detached

The Adventure starts

An impressive deep space expedition comic. Elegantly dressed men whispering. A film crew in the middle of ‘action’. Where did I…

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