Solvation Science alive:


Dec 2015
  • Science
  • iMOS Master

iMOS Master: A high-dimensional neural network potential for…

A high-dimensional neural network potential for protonated water clusters, 2014

In the final semester of my iMOS studies, Dr. Jörg Behler from the…

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Dec 2015
  • iMOS Master
  • Science

iMOS Master: On the Mechanism of ATP Hydrolysis in…

On the Mechanism of ATP Hydrolysis in ABC Transporter TAP, 2015

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the energy currency molecule in the cell, and its…

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Nov 2015
  • iMOS Master
  • CampusLife

My iMOS Internship at the University of California

From September until December 2014 I did my iMOS internship at the University of California, Irvine. I joined the Tobias group which focuses on…

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Nov 2015
  • CampusLife
  • Events

Traditional RESOLV ECR Football Tournament 2015

The tradition continues. As part of the annual Early Career Researcher Summer Party of the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV, the ECR Football Tournament…

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Nov 2015
  • Events

Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Debating with the VIPs of science at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

One moment, you have Saul Perlmutter making vivid appeal for more education…

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