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Celebrating Diversity in Science

RESOLV sees equity and diversity as a source of strength, fundamental to innovative ideas, and a prerequisite for excellence in science.

On February 11th, the global scientific community celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, established by the United Nations in 2015. This day highlights the crucial role of gender equality in achieving internationally agreed development goals. As part of the celebration, RESOLV hosted a Diversity in Science event with over 75 participants on February 25th.

Support of Equity and Diversity in Science

This year, RESOLV focused on two topics: supporting the careers of women, and international researchers in STEM. From the beginning, RESOLV has taken decisive actions to build a highly stimulating environment and retain a broad and diverse range of talented scientists.

During the event, role models were sharing their experiences and how to overcome challenges on their way.

Dr. Shelley Rap, from the Department of Science Teaching at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, showcased her journey and highlighted the role of her mentors and international experience in her career.

Another critical aspect of the event focused on the career of international researchers coming to Germany.

Dr. Claudia Nospickel from the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) as one of Germany’s most renowned project institutions for international academic exchange and Dr. Christiane Wüllner from the RUB (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Research School provided information on established support structures in respect to grant applications and funding.

A representative from the City of Bochum, Dr. Robin Köhler-Kelzenberg, introduced a new project for welcoming international skilled workers and their families to Bochum. The Welcome Office Bochum will open on March 31st and will support new residents and companies hiring international skilled workers.  

Dr. Claus Roll shared Optica's internationalisation experience. Founded as the local optical society in Rochester, New York, USA, in 1915, Optica is today the leading organization for scientists, engineers, business professionals, and students in the science of light worldwide. Optica offers many opportunities for students and student groups, including scholarships, travel grants, awards, and networking.

Finally, all participants were invited to a family dinner for further networking and discussions.

Leading actor: the solvent

Solvation Science and RESOLV featured in magazine Chemie in unserer Zeit

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