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Science Day “Physik für die Gesundheit”

12:30 PM – 4:30 PM


BRAUTURM, Dortmunder U (7th Floor)

Leonie-Reygers-Terrasse, 44137 Dortmund

RESOLV invites pupils, adults and families to a science day “Physik für die Gesundheit” in the BRAUTURM of the Dortmunder U (7th floor), Leonie-Reygers-Terrasse, 44137 Dortmund from 12:30 to 16:30.

Experience together with local and international scientists what physics has to do with health, cats, spiders, Taylor Swift and Start Trek.  Experts will guide you through an exciting lecture program with illustrative experiments that explain how physics can be used to research living things and what the universities in the Ruhr region contribute to this.

If you have any questions, please contact Serena Orsi at resolv(at) or call 0234 32 27607.


Leading actor: the solvent

Solvation Science and RESOLV featured in magazine Chemie in unserer Zeit

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