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Jun 2022
  • Press Releases

Edvardas Narevicius receives Humbolt professorship

As one of the pioneers of ultra-low temperature chemistry his experiments make it possible to observe novel quantum effects. He is invited to TU…

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May 2022
  • Paper

Novel sensors enable precise measurement of dopamine

Carbon nanotubes glow brighter in the presence of neurotransmitters. This facilitates the easy and accurate measurement of signals between nerve…

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Mar 2022
  • Highlight

RESOLV New Year's Reception - Strong through cooperation

At the New Year's reception, the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV reviews a successful year 2021, celebrates the lived cooperation in the Ruhr region and…

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Mar 2022
  • News

New member: State NRW supports junior research group at TU Dortmund University

As promising young scientist, Dr. Elisabeth Kreidt is moving to the TU Dortmund as part of the return program of the Ministry of Culture and Science…

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Mar 2022
  • Award

Kai S. Exner receives award by ADUC

The scientist particularly convinced the jury with the quality and number of his scientific publications in high-ranking journals.

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Mar 2022
  • Meet the scientist
  • Press Releases

New Member: Marialore Sulpizi explores the interface of solids and liquids

Interfaces between solid and liquid phases are relevant for many industrial applications. The newly appointed professor at RUB wants to understand…

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Feb 2022
  • News
  • Event

Exhibition on the new research building CALEDO

Press release with explanatory video about the exhibition on the new research building CALEDO, where RESOLV scientists will conduct research on liquid…

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Jan 2022
  • Paper

Molecular machine in nano cage

What a toy: a tiny gyroscope that would fit in a human cell and that can be controlled from the outside.

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