Angew. Chem.: Green light affects this chemical compound in a different way than blue light. The molecule is of interest to computer industry as it…
07 March 1949 - 23 August 2019
Angew. Chem.: Although water is omnipresent, the interaction between individual water molecules is not yet fully understood.
Ang.Chem.: Although water is omnipresent, the interaction between individual water molecules is not yet fully understood.
PNAS: An international research team including the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (MPI CEC) in Germany and The Australian…
PNAS: An international research team including the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (MPICEC) in Germany and The Australian National…
Angew.Chem.: Unlike metallic magnets, magnets consisting of organic molecules could be lightweight, transparent, flexible or liquid. Normally,…
Ang.Chem.: Unlike metallic magnets, magnets consisting of organic molecules could be lightweight, transparent, flexible or liquid. Normally, however,…