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Mar 2018
  • Paper

Creating complex molecules in just a few steps

Angew. Chem.: This process could make the synthesis of drugs and other substances easier, more environmentally friendly and cheaper.

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Mar 2018
  • Paper

#ASKTHEAUTHOR: How the solvent affects supramolecular structures

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.: 3 Questions to RESOLV and TU Dortmund scientist Guido Clever about his recent publication in 'Angewandte Chemie International…

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Mar 2018
  • Award

New Emmy-Noether group in Theoretical Chemistry

The team wants to make properties of certain complex molecules more predictable. This could also benefit industry.

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Mar 2018
  • Press Releases

New Emmy-Noether group in Theoretical Chemistry

The team wants to make properties of certain complex molecules more predictable. This could also benefit industry.

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Feb 2018
  • Award

Optimal Fertilisation Thanks to Sensor and Cloud

ERC Grant to Nicolas Plumeré: In the future, farmers will be able to determine directly in the field if and how much fertiliser their plants need at…

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Feb 2018
  • Award

ERC grant boosts sensor for fertilisation needs

Nicolas Plumeré just received a Proof of Concept Grant from the ERC. The aim: Translate the concept into a commercial product to make farmers’ lives…

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Feb 2018
  • Event

Resolv team from RUB and TU Dortmund together seeking funding

At the New Year’s reception, the team presented a proud record as well as the vision for the new proposal.

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Feb 2018
  • Paper

#ASKTHEAUTHOR: How Haloimidazolium Salts bind in Solution

Chem. Eur. J.: 3 Questions to RESOLV and RUB scientist Stefan Huber about the recent cover picture publication in 'Chemistry - A European Journal' -…

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