Science Adv.: Researchers from Kaiserslautern, Bochum, and Rostock have developed a method for producing a petroleum diesel-like fuel from…
Sci. Adv.: Researchers from Kaiserslautern, Bochum, and Rostock have developed a method for producing a petroleum diesel-like fuel from conventional…
Prof. Walter Thiel received the Kolos Medal this year for his outstanding contributions to Theoretical Chemistry.
Angew. Chem.: Chemists at the Centre for Electrochemical Sciences at Ruhr-Universität Bochum have developed a catalyst with self-healing properties.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.: Chemists at the Centre for Electrochemical Sciences at Ruhr-Universität Bochum have developed a catalyst with self-healing…
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.: THz Calorimetry could allow a better understanding of biomolecular processes
Angew. Chem.: Chemists at RUB have developed a new method that allows them to map changes in the dynamics and structure of water molecules in the…
Chemistry in solution takes place everywhere, for instance in our bodies. Research in the Ruhr is pulling out all the stops to understand all the…