RESOLV PS Prof. Enrica Bordignon hat am 3. Juli 2016 im dänischen Aarhus den AMPERE-Preis erhalten. Mit der mit 3000 Euro dotierten Auszeichnung ehrt…
PNAS: Water is liquid at room temperature – astounding for such a small molecule. Insights into the causes are provided by a new simulation method,…
PNAS: Using artificial neural networks, RESOLV PI Dr. Jörg Behler and coworkers have examined the atomic interactions of water molecules.
Nat. Comm.: Converting the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into a useful chemical would be highly desirable. However, the catalysts available to date…
Nature Comm.: RESOLV PS Prof. Beatriz Roldan and coworkers have discovered a catalyst that performs highly selective conversion of the greenhouse gas…
Angew. Chem.: Some living organisms thrive under extraordinary conditions, such as the deep sea. But just how do they withstand the enormous pressure?
Angew. Chem.: The team of RESOLV PIs Prof. Dominik Marx, Prof. Roland Winter and Prof. Stefan M. Kast from the Technical University Dortmund examined…
PNAS: The team around RESOLV PS Prof. Franz Narberhaus and their colleagues at Helmholtz Center for Infection Research in Braunschweig and Leipzig…