Solvation Science Alive

RESOLV In the Media

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Starting Strong: Onboarding for iGSS members and international students

Working and studying in a new place is exciting - but arriving in an unknown environment can be challenging, too. To make the start easy, RESOLV organised two onboarding events for the new iGSS Students and the international winners of scholarships.


On the 19th of October, the new iGSS (integrated Graduate School Solvation Science) students met with the iGSS Coordinator to socialize and remove all remaining questions regarding the start of their PhD journey. After their introductory Lecture on Solvation Science, the new students met in ZEMOS with food and drinks. To celebrate their start in the iGSS, they received a typical German present for children starting school: a Schultüte (English: school cone or sugar cone) filled with sweets and a notebook. The relaxed atmosphere in the onboarding event encouraged the students to get to know each other and the iGSS.


On the 21st of October, the onboarding event for the new international visiting students in RESOLV took place. RESOLV has multiple funding programs for international students and researchers, and to smooth the start in Germany, RESOLV invited them, the new iGSS and iMOS students on a day trip. The participants got an insight into German culture and tradition on the trip. They visited the Nordkirchen Castle, had lunch in a typical German restaurant and ended the day at the Sim-Jü-festival in Werne. Outside the academic context, this event allowed the students to meet and connect with peers and RESOLV, enabling them to establish a great network.



‘Völlig losgelöst’ - Completely detached

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