Solvation science alive

RESOLV Press Releases

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From left: RESOLV Speaker Prof. Dr. Martina Harvenith, Dr.Christoph Brandenbuschand and CALEDO Speaker Prof. Dr. Gabriele Sadowski. © Martina Hengesbach
From left: Klaus Kaiser vom NRW-Mi­nis­te­ri­um für Kultur und Wis­sen­schaft, TU-Rektor Prof. Manfred Bayer, Dr. Michael Meister vom Bun­des­mi­nis­te­ri­um für Bil­dung und For­schung, CALEDO-Sprecherin Prof. Gabriele Sadowski, Gabriele Willems vom Bau- und Lie­gen­schafts­be­trieb NRW, Architekt Prof. Eckhard Gerber und TU-Kanzler Albrecht Ehlers. © Martina Hengesbach
This is how the new research building will look like: The design comes from the Dortmund-based architectur firm Gerber. © Gerber​/​TU Dort­mund

CALEDO: Laying of the foundation stone

Time capsule for the CALEDO research building has been symbolically sunk into brick cube by representatives from RESOLV, TU Dortmund University and the federal state and NRW state government.

On 23 September, the foundation stone of the new research building CALEDO was laid at the North Campus of TU Dortmund University. CALEDO stands for "Center for Advanced Liquid-Phase Engineering Dortmund" and next to RESOLV, it will be the second location dedicated to cutting-edge research in solvation science with RESLOV.

In addition to CALEDO spokesperson Prof. Gabriele Sadowski, RESOLV spokesperson Prof. Dr. Martina Havenith and the Rector of TU Dortmund University Prof. Manfred Bayer, representatives from the federal and state governments were also present. Together they filled a time capsule and symbolically sank it into a brick cube. Among other things, the CALEDO funding application and certificate, a small TU Dortmund University logo, the building plans for CALEDO, a typical Dortmund rhinoceros and a current newspaper from Dortmund , will stand the test of time in the time capsule.

Once the building is completed, CALEDO will offer laboratory and office areas for interdisciplinary research work in the fields of bio- and chemical engineering, chemistry and chemical biology as well as physics on 5 floors and around 4,000 square metres of floor space. The new research building for Solvation Science is funded with around 72 million euros from the federal state and NRW state government.

Read more on CALEDO

Read more (German press release)