Angew. Chem.: The RESOLV groups of Prof. Dr. Simon Ebbinghaus (RUB) and Prof. Dr. Roland Winter (TU Dortmund) report their results in "Angewandte…
Phys. Rev. Let.: Using molecular dynamics simulations, the team of RESOLV PI Prof. Dominik Marx analysed how to study the Widom line experimentally by…
Was hat das Rosten einer Stahloberfläche mit der Kälteresistenz eines Polardorsches gemeinsam? Beides hängt eng mit Vorgängen in Lösungen zusammen.…
Dr. Clara Saraceno was awarded the Sofja Kovalevskaja Prize and will come from ETH Zürich to RUB for five years to work with RESOLV PI Martina…
Angew. Chem.: Researchers from Bochum, Mülheim and France found a way to protect sensitive catalysts from oxygen-caused damage. RESOLV members T.…
On 16th and 17th of June 2015 the International Women Scientist Meeting takes places at Ruhr-University Bochum.
RUB researcher Dr. Jelena Stojadinovic wins the Engineering Powerwomen Award 2015 for her research with RESOLV PS Dr. Fabio La Mantia.
RESOLV PS Prof. Thomas Happe gets 1.2 million euros for a new EU project “Sun2Chem”. With his research team he wants to create semi-artificial…
RESOLV PS Dr. Fabio La Mantia developed a new membran for gas seperation during hydrogen production. Together with Dr. Jelena Stojadinovic he won the…
Angew. Chem.: RESOLV members Prof. Wolfram Sander from RUB, Dr. Elsa Sanchez-Garcia from MPI for coal research and coworkers characterized the…
Dr. Michael Römelt is funded by the Max Planck society via the „Otto Hahn Award“ for three years. He will establish a junior group within the chair…
RESOLV PI Prof. Stefan Huber received a 1.5 million Euro ERC Starting Grant for his planned research on new catalysts for target-specific drug…
Angew. Chem.: RESOLV members Prof. Simon Ebbinghaus from RUB, Dr. Matthias Heyden from MPI for coal research and coworkers published a new method to…
PNAS: RESOLV probes real-time changes in water dynamics during enzymatic reactions.
Mol. Phys.: Longuet-Higgins Young Author's Prize for RUB researcher - A glimpse into the world of the smallest particles.
Chem. Eur. J.: A semi-artificial leaf faster than “natural” photosynthesis - RUB-Scientists publish “very important paper”.
Nature Chem.: Toward fuel cells built from renewable and abundant components - Scientists from Bochum und Mülheim report.
Angew. Chem.: Carbon compound can facilitate water electrolysis and hydrogen combustion - Hope for more cost-efficient metal-air batteries and fuel…
JACS: RESOLV: Hydration water as mediator between protein and its environment - Understanding the influence of the cellular environment with simple…
JACS: RUB chemists explain the fingerprint of dissolved glycine in the Terahertz range - Combination of molecular-dynamics simulations and…