Solvation science alive

RESOLV Press Releases

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Aug 2013
  • Award

Science and Family

„National Postdoctoral Award Program for Advancing Women in Science“ for Dr. Moran Grossman

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Jun 2013
  • Paper

Sometimes less is more

Nature Chem.: RUB researchers unmask Janus-faced nature of mechanical forces with the Jülich supercomputer. Reaction speed does not always increase in…

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May 2013
  • Event

All about solvation science

Official starting signal for the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV - International Opening Symposium at the RUB

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May 2013
  • Paper

How much a single cell breathes

Angew. Chem.: Scanning electrochemical microscopy decisively optimised - RUB researchers measure oxygen consumption of individual cells.

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Apr 2013
  • Paper

Mysterious catalyst explained - How tiny gold particles aid the production of plastic components

Angew. Chem.: RUB researchers coorporate and use gold nanoparticles as catalysts.

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Apr 2013
  • Award

Communicator-Preis 2013 an Metin Tolan

Dortmunder Wissenschaftler wird für seine vielfältige und besonders originelle Vermittlung physikalischer Fragen und Forschungsergebnisse in…

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Mar 2013
  • Paper

Chemical chameleon tamed

Phys. Rev. Lett.: RUB researchers give floppy molecule a structure through solvent effects - Computer simulations show: protonated methane is tamed by…

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Mar 2013
  • Award

Small particles with a bright future

EU funds “LUMINET” project with 3.6 million Euros - Novel luminescent materials to reduce global energy demand

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Feb 2013
  • Paper

When water speaks - Solvents make catalysts more efficient

Phys. Rev. Lett.: RUB researchers analyse interfaces between water and catalyst with computer simulations. Prof. Dominik Marx and coworkers describe…

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Jan 2013
  • Paper

Dance of water molecules turns fire-coloured beetles into antifreeze artists

PNAS: RUB researchers and colleagues describe new mode of action for antifreeze proteins.

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Jun 2012
Jun 2012

A good day for the Ruhr-Universität!

New Cluster of Excellence: Chemists investigate solvation processes

RUB Research School will be continued

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May 2012

Leuchtende Nanopartikel aus der Mikrowelle

EMIL: Ionische Flüssigkeiten zur Synthese von Materialien

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Feb 2012

New energy storage device based on water

Solution for increasing energy demand

RUB-researchers are developing aqueous lithium-ion battery

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Jan 2012

Mehr als nur Hintergrund

RUB-Wissenschaftler erforschen aktive Rolle von Wasser in Zellen

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Jan 2012

Zukunftskonzept gestärkt, Profil geschärft

Die RUB setzt ihren eingeschlagenen Weg fort

Zielvereinbarung mit dem Land NRW geschlossen

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Dec 2011

Ausgezeichnet für den kleinsten Tropfen Säure

Italienisch-türkische Kooperation an der RUB mit UNESCO-Preis geehrt

„Chemistry in South-East Europe Grant“ für Dr. Marco Masia und Dr. Özgur Birer

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Dec 2011

International Year of Chemistry 2011

Two young scientists from Italy and Turkey win the Chemistry in South-East Europe Grant

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Nov 2011

ZEMOS will be realized

The Joint Science Conference approves the establishment of a “Center for Solvation Science”

100 RUB scientists will be investigating solvent driven…

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