Solvation science alive

RESOLV Press Releases

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Aug 2018
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Synthetic DNA-based enzymes

Nat. Rev. Chem.: In nature, enzymes are mostly made of proteins. This might change in a not too distant future, according to a review article…

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Aug 2018
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How ions gather water molecules around them

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.: Seemingly simple questions about the hydration shell of charged particles remained unanswered for a long time. Until this new…

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Jul 2018
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Individual silver nanoparticles observed in real time

JACS: The particles have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. They are used in medicine and the food industry. But little is known about…

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Jul 2018
  • Award


New sources of terahertz radiation should deliver previously unimagined insights into areas such as the behaviour of water.

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Jul 2018
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New catalyst with a dual function

Angew.Chem.: Plastic production with this catalyst would be sustainable and would also enable the creation of hydrogen as a potential energy source.

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Jul 2018
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New chemical compounds make catalysts more efficient

Angew. Chem.: Catalysts should be as stable, efficient and adaptable to certain applications as possible. This Bochum-made development makes all of…

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Jun 2018
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Peanut-like nano objects self-assemble in solution, bind DNA

Angew. Chem.: Nano objects with spectacular shape and promising functions.

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Jun 2018
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  • Award

RESOLV Chemist receives Hellmuth Fischer Medal

Kristina Tschulik awarded for her research on electrochemical processes on nanoparticles

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May 2018
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Why bioelectrodes for energy conversion are not stable

Nature Comm.: How artificial photosynthesis systems should be designed in the future to remain functional in the long term.

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Apr 2018
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Carbon dioxide as a raw material

Chemistry – A European Journal: This chemical reaction could someday make it possible to put the climate-damaging gas to good use.

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Apr 2018
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Observing biological nanotransporters

Nature Comm.: How molecules are transported through membranes.

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Apr 2018
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Robust and inexpensive catalysts for hydrogen production

Angew. Chem.: How to design materials so they work efficiently.

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Mar 2018
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A catalyst with self-defense against oxygen

Nature Comm.:On the route to cheap and efficient fuel cells.

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Mar 2018
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Creating complex molecules in just a few steps

Angew. Chem.: This process could make the synthesis of drugs and other substances easier, more environmentally friendly and cheaper.

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Mar 2018
  • Press Releases

New Emmy-Noether group in Theoretical Chemistry

The team wants to make properties of certain complex molecules more predictable. This could also benefit industry.

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Feb 2018
  • Award

Optimal Fertilisation Thanks to Sensor and Cloud

ERC Grant to Nicolas Plumeré: In the future, farmers will be able to determine directly in the field if and how much fertiliser their plants need at…

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Dec 2017
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Tracking a solvation process step by step

Angew. Chem.: Numerous chemical and industrial processes take place in solution. But the exact interactions between solvent and solute are not yet…

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Dec 2017
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Protein environment makes catalyst efficient

JACS: Biocatalysts are large protein molecules. The actual reaction takes place only at a small centrepiece. But the rest also plays a role.

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Dec 2017
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Hydrogen gas from enzyme production

Angew. Chem.: Scientists at Freie Universität Berlin and Ruhr-Universität Bochum investigate the biological production of an energy source of the…

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Jul 2017
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How enzymes produce hydrogen

Nature Comm.: For years, researchers had assumed that a highly unstable intermediate state had to exist in the reaction. Now a verfication is…

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