The second GSS Autumn Workshop took place on 9th and 10th October in RUB Conference Center. 29 GSS members presented their PhD projects in three extended poster sessions to more than 60 participants.
The last GSS Autumn Workshop in the Beckmanns Hof was completely crowded, so this year’s Autumn Workshop took place in the RUB Conference Centre. The Workshop at 9th and 10th October implemented a new concept - the defenses of the PhD projects were arranged as extended poster discussions. 29 GSS members presented their projects in three poster sessions to more than 60 participants. Each poster session started with a Keynote lecture introducing the corresponding Research Area. A poster prize was awarded for each Research Area – the three winners got a book voucher amounting to 100 Euro each. The three poster committees consisting of three PIs/PSs each had a hard time to make their decisions as there were several excellent projects presented. During the Workshop the first interviews for our RESOLV film were shoot. We thank all interview partner, all Keynote speakers, all poster committee members and last but not least all participants of the Workshop who made these two days a great time for getting to know each other and exchange scientific knowledge in a relaxed atmosphere! After the Workshop the ECR researchers met for the ECR general assembly. During the assembly the new ECR Board members were elected and inspiring new ideas for ECR activities, public outreach and knowledge transfer were discussed. Please see below for some impressions of the workshop (images courtesy of Dr. Nina Winter).