Browse events-archive

Apr 2019
  • Colloquium

Free Radicals and Portonated Species Produced in Solid para-Hydrogen

Prof. Dr. Yuan-Pern Lee

National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

5:15 pm NC 5/99

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Apr 2019
  • Seminar

Quartz-mounted photoconductive array structures for high-field terahertz generation

Dr. David Bacon

University of Leeds, UK

12:15 h ID 04/413

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Mar 2019
  • Early Career
  • Transfer

Session on "How to set up a Start-up?" at the RESOLV Klausurtagung 2019

Representatives from a project management organization, a Start-Up incubator, and from a Start-Up company are invited to the Klausurtagung 2019 in Harsewinkel-Marienfeld to report on their view and experiences on funding opportunities and academic support during founding a company.

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Mar 2019
  • Highlight

RESOLV Klausurtagung 2019

March 18-20, 2019

Hotel-Residence Klosterpforte

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Jan 2019
  • Seminar

Adaptive sampling based on collective variables in biomolecular simulations

Dr. Jérome Hénin

Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique, UPR 9080 CNRS, Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris, France

14:15 h NC 03/399

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Jan 2019
  • Gender

Meet the RUB Female Faculty

17:45 h - 21:45 h

in VZ 04 Saal 2A


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Jan 2019
  • Seminar

One talk, two stories: fluorination and amino acid solvation; oligomerization and the mechanical response of protein coil coils

Dr. Ana Vila Verde

Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces Theory and Bio-Systems Department

11:00 h MC 351 University Duisburg-Essen, Physic Faculty, Duisburg, Lotharstr. 1

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Jan 2019
  • Seminar

Exploring the mechanism and kinetics of nucleation processes: from ice nucleation to cavitation in water under tension

Prof. Christoph Dellago

Fakultät für Physik, Universität Wien

14:15 h NC 03/399

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Jan 2019
  • Transfer
  • Highlight

Transfer and Innovation on the RESOLV New Year's Reception 2019

Prof. Dr. Thomas Cleij, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Maastricht University Netherlands, has been invited as guest speaker to the RESOLV New Year's Reception 2019 and explains how Brightlands Chemelot Campus boosts innovation and business growth in the Maastricht region.

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Jan 2019
  • Highlight

New Year's Reception

11:00 h - 13:00 h


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