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Nov 2018
  • Workshop

RESOLV Research Workshop

8:00 - 19:00

ZEMOS Seminar Area

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Oct 2018
  • Seminar

Semiclassical Methods for Spectroscopic Calculations of High Dimensional Molecular Systems

Prof. Michele Ceotto

Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli studi di Milano

17:15 h NC 03/399

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Oct 2018
  • Early Career
  • iGSS
  • Outreach

9th Junges Chemie Symposium Ruhr

Start 8:30 h in ZEMOS

Registration open until September 10, 2018

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Oct 2018
  • Gender

NRW Minister Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen visits the Women Professors Forum

The Minister for Culture and Science, Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, is guest of the Women Professors Forum

16:30 h in ZEMOS 0.17

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Sep 2018
  • Colloquium

Solvation Dynamics in Clusters and Liquid Jets

Prof. Daniel M. Neumark

Department of Chemistry, University of California Berkeley

16:00 h in ZEMOS 0.17

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Jul 2018
  • Seminar

Physical Chemistry with Single Molecules: Tautomerization of Porphycene

Prof. Dr. Grazyna Antczak

University of Wroclaw, Polen

14:00 h NC 6/99

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Jul 2018
  • Seminar

Structures of electrode-electrolyte interfaces studied from first principles

Prof. Axel Gross

Institut für Theoretische Chemie, Universität Ulm

14:00 h ZEMOS 0.17

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Jul 2018
  • Seminar

Rigidity theory-based perturbation approach to analyze dynamic allostery

Prof. Dr. Holger Gohlke

Computational Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf

14:15 h NC 03/399

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Jul 2018
  • Seminar

Terahertz Light Fingerprints Biomolecular Dynamics

Prof. Dr. Andrea Markelz

Department of Physics, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, New York, USA

14:15 h ZEMOS 0.17


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Jun 2018
  • Seminar

Computing molecular properties in complex environments using frozen-density embedding methods

Dr. Sebastian Höfener

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung für Theoretische Chemie

14:15 h NC 03/399

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