Browse events-archive

Oct 2015
  • Seminar

New light on liquid structure, solvation, and protein denaturation

Prof. Dr. Sander Woutersen

Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Amsterdam

14 h, in NC 6/99

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Oct 2015
  • Seminar

Development of CPMD-GULP QM/(polarized-) MM Interface for Modeling Extended Solids and Interfaces

Prof. Dr. Nisanth Nair

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Department of Chemistry, India

14:15 h, in NC 03/399


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Sep 2015
  • Seminar

Indenofluorenes: Exotic Hydrocarbons with Singlet Diradical or Tetraradical Character

Prof. Dr. Yoshito Tobe

Osaka University, Japan

11:00 h, in NC 4/174

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Jul 2015
  • Seminar

Evolution of Protein Folding

Prof. George Makhatadze

Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy N.Y., USA

11:00 h, in NC 2/99


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Jul 2015
  • Seminar

C-X..H hydrogen bonding, C-X..Y halogen bonding and lone pair..pi interactions and their mutual competition - What can be learnt from cryosolutions?

Prof. Dr. Wouter Herrebout

Molecular Spectroscopy Group, University of Antwerp, Belgium

16:15 h, in NC 02/99

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Jun 2015
  • Seminar

Fibril growth of Ab40-pepetides: Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects

Dr. Nadine Schwierz

Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, USA

14:15 h, in NC 03/399


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Jun 2015
  • Seminar

Coupled electron-nuclear dynamics in non-adiabatic process: The exact factorization approach

Dr. Federica Agostini

Theory Department, Max-Planck-Institute for Microstructure Physics, Halle, Germany

14:15 h, in NC 03/399

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Jun 2015
  • Seminar

Excited states and molecular interactions: How may look charge maps of clusters in Franck-Condon states?

Prof. Dr. Cs. Luis A. Montero-Cabrera

Facultad de Química Universidad de La Habana

13:00 h, in NC 4/174

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May 2015
  • Seminar

Molecular simulations at different resolutions: atomistic, coarsegrained, and mixed

Dr. Mario Orsi

School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London, UK

14:15 h, in NC 03/399

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May 2015
  • Seminar

Thermodynamics of membrane-protein stability and protein-ligand interactions

Prof. Sandro Keller

Molekulare Biophysik, Fachbereich Biologie, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern

17:15 h, in NC 6/99


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