After its succes in Blue Square in Bochum, the exhibition "Völlig losgelöst" took place in the museum "Strom & Leben" (Electricity & Life) in Recklinghausen on 2nd November 2016. Two authors were on-site and report about their impressions in our new blog.
On 5th of October, 2016 the fourth GSS Autumn Workshop and the Annual General Assembly of the Early Career Researchers take place at TU Dortmund in Seminar room building FWW 6 (rooms 1001/1004).
From 26th to 29th of September 2016 the 52nd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry with the main topic "Chemistry in Solution" was hosted at the Ruhr-University Bochum with more than 380 participants.
On 14th and 15th of September 2016 the ECRs organized an excursion to the SOLEIL synchrotron in Paris, France. 12 participants learned about the beamlines and measurements carried out at SOLEIL.