Browse events-archive

Mar 2015
  • Seminar

Prediction of hydration thermodynamics in protein-ligand binding with Grid Cell Theory

Georgios Gerogiokas

University of Edinburgh, Scotland

16:15 h, in MPI Mülheim


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Mar 2015
  • iGSS

Jülich CECAM School

On 23 - 27 March 2015 the Jülich CECAM School "Computational Trends in Solvation and Transport in Liquids" took place at "Forschungszentrum Jülich" in the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Germany.

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Mar 2015
  • iGSS

RESOLV EPR Symposium

On 16th March 2015 RESOLV organized a symposium on EPR spectroscopy where experts in the field presented their work in RUB Conference Center.


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Mar 2015
  • Highlight

RESOLV Klausurtagung 2015

The second Klausurtagung of RESOLV took place from 09. – 11.03.2015 in Sportschloss Velen near Münster. After having severe problems with the long bus transfer to the last Klausurtagung in Bavaria near Munich, we chose a nearer location this year. Sportschloss Velen proved to be a comfortable, well-equipped conference site in an old castle, only one hour away from the Ruhr-University.

The Klausurtagung startet with a relaxed bus trip to the conference site. After the check-in and a welcome…

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Mar 2015
  • Seminar

Probing complexity in aqueous systems

Dr. Ali Hassanali

International Center of Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy

16:00 h, in NC 6/99

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Feb 2015
  • Colloquium

The Dance between Metallocluster and Protein influences the catalytic properties of Hydrogenases…..

Prof. Dr. Thomas Happe

AG Photobiotechnologie, LS Biochemie der Pflanzen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

16:00 h, in NC 2/99


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Jan 2015
  • Seminar

Quantum Energy Transfer in Correlated & Nonequilibrium Environments

PD Dr. Peter Nalbach

I. Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Hamburg

14:15 h, in NC 6/99


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Jan 2015
  • Seminar

Quantum Mechanics in a Glass of Water

Prof. Thomas D. Kühne

Institut für Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie, Universität Paderborn

14:15 h, in NCDF 03/399


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Jan 2015
  • Blog
  • Outreach

High Resolution – Focus on Research

School students get the chance to experience scientific work in the project "High Resolution – Focus on Research". RESOLV students introduce them into their work fields and talk about science and the academic life. Read more in our blog post "That's funny".

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Jan 2015
  • Colloquium

Ions in Aqueous Nanodrops

Prof. Evan Williams

Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley

17:15 h, in NC 2/99

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