Browse events-archive

Jun 2018
  • Seminar

Towards attosecond pump-probe spectroscopy at high repetition rates

Dr. Federico Furch

Max-Born-Institut for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, MBI-Berlin

12:15 h in ID 04/413

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Jun 2018
  • Seminar

Similarities of electron density maps as a ground for predicting singlet fission and other excited state phenomena

Prof. Dr. Luis Alberto Montero Cabrera

Universidad de La Habana

15:00 h in NC 4/174

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Jun 2018
  • Seminar

Lasers for Accelerators and X-ray FELs

Dr. Ingmar Hartl

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) Hamburg

12:15 h in ID 04/413

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Jun 2018
  • Seminar

Nonadiabatic mixed quantum-classical dynamics simulations applied to organic molecules and assemblies

Prof. Mario Barbatti

Institut de Chimie Radicalaire, Université Marseille, France

14:15 h in NC 03/399

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Jun 2018
  • Seminar

Alkali Metal Mediation in Synergistic Synthesis and Homogeneous Catalysis

Prof. Dr. Robert E. Mulvey

University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

11:00 h in ZEMOS 0.17

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May 2018
  • Seminar

Transport across Bacterial Membranes: Insights from Molecular Simulations

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kleinekathöfer

Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH

14:15 h in NC 03/399

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May 2018
  • Seminar

A foray through the halogens: from the cold isolated anions via solid state structures through applications

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hasenstab-Riedel

Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Chemie und Biochemie

10:00 h in ZEMOS 0.17

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Apr 2018
  • Seminar

Complex behaviour of fluids in confined spaces of soft porous materials

Dr. François-Xavier Coudert

Researcher at CNRS & Chimie ParisTech, France

11:00 h in ZEMOS 0.17

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Apr 2018
  • Seminar

Mechanistic Insights into MHC class II proteins using Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Markov State Modeling

Dr. Sebastian Stolzenberg

Computational Molecular Biology, Freie Universität Berlin

14:15 h in NC 03/399

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Mar 2018
  • Seminar

Anionic Substituent Control of the Electronic Structures of Nitrenes: Comparison of Reactivity in the Gasphase and Solution

Prof. Paul Wenthold

Department of Chemistry Purdue Unviversity, USA

14:00 h ZEMOS 0.19


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