Browse events-archive

Feb 2018
  • Seminar

Probing free carrier emergence and electron-phonon coupling in hybrid lead halide perovskite films

Dr. Tufan Ghosh

Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

14:15 in ZEMOS 0.17

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Feb 2018
  • Seminar

Micro solvation in the gas phase: on the structural maneuvers of wet molecules

Dr. Sérgio Domingos

Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), Max Planck Institute for the Structur and Dynamics of Matter, Center for Free Electron Laser Science, Hamburg

14:00 h in ZEMOS 0.17

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Feb 2018
  • Seminar

Towards a Paradigm Shift in Main Group Polar Organometallic Chemistry

Prof. Eva Hevia

WestChem, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

11:00 h in ZEMOS 0.17

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Feb 2018
  • Seminar

Science driven requirements for seeded soft x-ray free electron lasers

Prof. Dr. Fulvio Parmigiani

Department of Physics - Università di Trieste / International Faculty - University of Cologne / Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.N.N

14:15 h in ZEMOS 0.17

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Jan 2018
  • Seminar

Biomolecules in Thin Air

Dr. Carsten Baldauf

Theoretische Chemie, Fritz-Haber-Institute Berlin, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin

14:15 h in NC 03/399


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Jan 2018
  • Seminar

Exploring novel molecular mechanisms in biological channels and transporters using free energy simulations

Prof. Dr. Simon Bernèche

Computational Sciences, University Basel, Switzerland

14:15 h in NC 03/399

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Jan 2018
  • Seminar

Molecular Recognition Probes of Solvation Phenomena

Prof. Dr. Christopher A. Hunter

Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge (UK)

17:15 h at TU Dortmund, Chemistry Building, Lecture Hall 1 (Campus North)



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Jan 2018
  • Seminar

Augmenting multiscale simulations by data-driven methods

Dr. Tristan Bereau

Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz

14:15 h in NC 03/399

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Jan 2018
  • Seminar

Advanced vibrational spectroscopies for studying solvation structure and dynamics of water at surfaces and in biological settings

Prof. Dr. Poul Petersen

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University

14:30 h in ZEMOS 0.17


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Dec 2017
  • Seminar

New insights into molecular dynamics using x-ray and relativistic electron probes

Prof. Dr. Markus Gühr

Department of Physics und Astronomy, University Potsdam

14:15 h in ZEMOS

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