Highlight Publications

Apr 2018
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Carbon dioxide as a raw material

Chem. Eur. J.: This chemical reaction could someday make it possible to put the climate-damaging gas to good use.

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Apr 2018
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Observing biological nanotransporter

J. Am. Chem. Soc.: How molecules are transported through membranes.

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Apr 2018
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Robust and inexpensive catalysts for hydrogen production

Angew. Chem.: How to design materials so they work efficiently.

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Mar 2018
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Creating complex molecules in just a few steps

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.: This process could make the synthesis of drugs and other substances easier, more environmentally friendly and cheaper.

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Mar 2018
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#ASKTHEAUTHOR: How the solvent affects supramolecular structures

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.: 3 Questions to RESOLV and TU Dortmund scientist Guido Clever about his recent publication in 'Angewandte Chemie International Edition' on hierarchical supramolecular assemblies.


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Feb 2018
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#ASKTHEAUTHOR: How Haloimidazolium Salts bind in Solution

Chem. Eur. J.: 3 Questions to RESOLV and RUB scientist Stefan Huber about the recent cover picture publication in 'Chemistry - A European Journal' - an interdisciplinary RESOLV cooperation with Elsa Sanchez-Garcia from University of Duisburg Essen.

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Dec 2017
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  • News

Hydrogen gas from enzyme production

Angew. Chem.: Scientists at Freie Universität Berlin and Ruhr-Universität Bochum investigate the biological production of an energy source of the future.

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Jul 2017
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How protein interactions drive cellular death

Nat. Comm.: Researchers use a simplified model of a protein network to explain how apoptosis is regulated, whose malfunction is linked to cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.

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Jun 2017
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Fixation of powder catalysts on electrodes

Angew. Chem.: The envisaged industrial application necessitates catalysts to do their job for years. This new method could assist in achieving it.

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Nov 2016
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New biofuel cell with energy storage

Angew. Chem.: Efficiently producing and storing energy is a challenge for our society. A biocatalyst-polymer system could take on both tasks at once.

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