Solvation Science alive:


Mar 2020
  • Blog

My PhD defence with slippers

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, I had to discuss my PhD thesis from remote. Here is how.

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Nov 2019
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  • Science

A new molecular speedometer to measure the pace of electrolytes

The diffusion coefficient of a reactant species plays a dominant role on the rate of many chemical reactions.

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Feb 2019
  • Blog

From Japan to RESOLV and back. A path explained.

Dr. Aoki Katsuyoshi is a former postdoc within the group of RESOLV speaker Prof. Dr. M. Havenith. He is now back to Japan, his native country, for…

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Oct 2018
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  • Science

Solvation Science in outer space conditions helps to understand the origin of life

Easy photoionization of organic radicals in interstellar ice analogues studied in laboratory.

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Sep 2018
  • Blog

RESOLV-CalSolv: A scientific partnership explained

An interview with Teresa and Martin Head-Gordon, solvation scientists within CalSolv, the RESOLV´s sister institute in Berkeley.

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