Solvation Science alive:


Jun 2018
  • Blog

From academia to industry and back: A scientific story

RESOLV scientists Nicolas Plumeré tells his story and gives advices on how to pursue a scientific career in this interview.

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May 2018
  • Blog
  • iMOS Master

A Dream Come True: International Practical at Yale

“Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving”

-Terry Pratchett

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Dec 2017
  • Blog
  • Science

Chiral water in DNA's hydration shell

Philip Ball discusses the latest discoveries on hydration in living cells (guest post from Ball's blog 'Water in Biology', originally posted on…

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Oct 2017
  • Blog
  • Career
  • Events

Empowering women and breaking the glass ceiling

The 2017 MUST/RESOLV gender meeting: Just another women meeting? Not really.

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Aug 2017
  • Science
  • Events

Crash landing on a comet and learning from it

Have comets delivered the essential compounds for the evolution of life on our planet, such as amino acids or sugars? Prof. Uwe J. Meierhenrich,…

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