Solvation Science alive:


Aug 2017
  • CampusLife
  • Career

Have your career ready for l(a)unch!

Two RESOLV students helped to prepare the Career Day. They report.

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Jul 2017
  • Science

P. Ball: Hydration water in drug design

Philip Ball discusses the latest discoveries on the behaviour of water in the living cell (guest post from Ball's blog 'Water in Biology', originally…

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Mar 2017
  • Events

That's funny

Teenagers living one day in the life of a scientist


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Jan 2017
  • Events

Solvation science into focus at historic Solvay conference.

Three members of the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV attended last October the renowned Solvay-Conference on Chemistry in Brussel, an event open to…

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Dec 2016
  • Science
  • Career

The Ombudsman and the art of settling scientific disputes.

Your boss has just thrown you out of the paper you have worked so hard in the last months. Or you accidentally discovered that your colleague has…

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