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Nov 2022
  • Paper

Using Machine Learning for Molecular Dynamics in Condensed Systems: Liquid Water Benchmark

Coupled Cluster Theory, a precise electronic structure method, is usually limited to small systems. Researchers have developed an automated neural…

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Nov 2022
  • Highlight
  • News

10 years RESOLV

On November 3 and 4, RESOLV celebrated its 10th anniversary with a large symposium. Under the title “Fully RESOLVed?-One Decade is not enough!” the…

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Nov 2022
  • Workshop

Intercultural communication in the scientific world

In a newly organized workshop, our ECRs discussed intercultural communication. International participants review how to better perceive cultural…

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Nov 2022
  • News

10 Years RESOLV

Solvent chemistry was not at all in the air as a topic. In the meantime, the Cluster of Excellence has become internationally renowned for it.

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Nov 2022
  • Highlight

10 Years RESOLV

Solvent chemistry was not at all in the air as a topic. In the meantime, the Cluster of Excellence has become internationally renowned for it.

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