EMBO J: RESOLV scientists identified a protein quality control mechanism against misfolded proteins, mediated by the LUBAC complex
EMBO Journal: Neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s or Parkinson’s disease are associated with misfolded and aggregated proteins.…
Ang.Chem.Int.Ed.: Nanoscientists have discovered a new reaction mechanism to cleave cellulose efficiently and environmentally friendly. (German…
Angew.Chem.: First report of a self-assembled coordination cage based on chiral helicenes
Angew. Chem.: Special issue features top research from excellent women scientists.
RESOLV Speaker M.Havenith co-moderated the first event of the Topic Forum 'From Idea to Product - How to Transfer Research into Start-ups'. - German…
It is harder for founders to get a company up and running in chemistry than in other fields. A new RESOLV concept is intended to change that.
The RESOLV International Faculty fellow member awarded for characterizing surface water properties with ODNP