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Dec 2017
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Hydrogen gas from enzyme production

Angew. Chem.: Scientists at Freie Universität Berlin and Ruhr-Universität Bochum investigate the biological production of an energy source of the…

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Nov 2017
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#Asktheauthor: How the solvent induces unexpected structures in molecules

'Chemistry - A European Journal' asked 3 questions to Christian Merten about his new research on solute-solvent driven conformational changes, which…

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Oct 2017
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Bordignon succeeds Roldan as speaker of the Gender Board

Fostering gender equality is at core of RESOLV's mission.

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Oct 2017
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RESOLV doctoral researcher awarded for work on protein stability

15 minutes – that was all the time Michael Senske had to impress the jury with his doctoral thesis. It was enough.

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Oct 2017
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Equal opportunity at work

More than 80 scientists and those interested in issues related to 'gender and science' joined a two-day meeting at ETH Zurich, organized by the…

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Sep 2017
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Germany’s Excellence Strategy: RESOLV asked to submit a full application!

The international Committee of Experts for the DFG Excellence Strategy has selected 88 draft proposals for future Clusters of Excellence. RESOLV is…

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Aug 2017
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RESOLV speaker appointed member of the Academia Europaea

Only a small number of highly respected researchers receive this honour.

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Jul 2017
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#Asktheauthor: How proteins regulate cell death

Nat. Comm.: 3 Questions to RESOLV scientist Stephanie Bleicken about her recent Nature Communications publication on programmed cell death.


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