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Jul 2017
  • Paper

How enzymes produce hydrogen

Nature Comm.: For years, researchers had assumed that a highly unstable intermediate state had to exist in the reaction. Now a verfication is…

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Jul 2017
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How enzymes produce hydrogen

Nat. Comm.: For years, researchers had assumed that a highly unstable intermediate state had to exist in the reaction. No one was able to verify this.…

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Jul 2017
  • Video

Ebbinghaus: What can we learn by observing proteins in the cell?

Watch the talk of RESOLV scientists Simon Ebbinhaus at the TEDx event organized by RUB.

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Jul 2017
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How protein interactions drive cellular death

Nat. Comm.: Researchers use a simplified model of a protein network to explain how apoptosis is regulated, whose malfunction is linked to cancer and…

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Jul 2017
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How protein interactions control programmed cell death

Nature Comm.: A team of researchers has gained new insights into a protein network that controls programmed cell death – which was a methodological…

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Jul 2017
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Saraceno: How do lasers shape our future?

Watch the talk of RESOLV scientists Clara Saraceno at the TEDx event organized by RUB.

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Jul 2017
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When a tiger escapes from an impenetrable cage

Angew. Chem.: The team led by Prof Dr Wolfram Sander from RESOLV showed that carbon atoms can tunnel.

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Jul 2017
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#Asktheauthor: How carbon atoms cross energy barriers (and tigers don't)

Angew. Chem.: 3 Questions to RESOLV scientist Wolfram Sander about his recent Angewandte Chemie publication on heavy atom tunneling.

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