The European Research Council is supporting the catalyst research of Bochum-based scientist Beatriz Roldán Cuenya. She will receive one of the most…
Angew. Chem.: Efficiently producing and storing energy is a challenge for our society. A biocatalyst-polymer system could take on both tasks at once. …
Angew. Chem.: Efficiently producing and storing energy is a challenge for our society. A biocatalyst-polymer system could take on both tasks at once.
Nature Chem.: Pulling from outside on disulphite bonds triggers unexpectedly complicated processes. A team headed by Prof Dominik Marx found out what…
Nature Chem.:In proteins and rubber, they are indispensable: bonds between two sulphur atoms that link long molecules together. Pulling from outside…
Prof. Kristina Tschulik receives the Joachim Walther Schultze-Prize for young electrochemists, endowed with 2.000 Euro for her research on single…
An invitation that is not for everyone. Martina Havenith, Frank Neese and Benjamin List from the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV participate in the…
Nature Comm.: The solvent is far more than just the environment for a chemical reaction. A recent study reveals new insights into the role of solvent…