German, Australian and American scientists have been given around 1.2 million euros of funding from the Human Frontier Science Program for three…
The cluster of excellence RESOLV is strengthend by a professorship across the three universities of the UA Ruhr. Martina Havenith will get new laser…
The cluster of excellence RESOLV is strengthend by a professorship across the three universities of the UA Ruhr.
Without intensive fundamental research, it will never be possible to successfully combat illnesses such as Alzheimer’s or Huntington’s. Simon…
How many atoms are necessary to write the acronym of Ruhr-Universität Bochum? The Chair of Physical Chemistry I, headed by Prof Dr Karina Morgenstern,…
Publications, new faculty, ERC and more on display at New Year's Reception
In view of the next application phase, Resolv announced the strategic involvement of all partners within the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr): RUB…
Six RESOLV members will receive a total of 11,5 Mio Euros