RESOLV PS Dr. Fabio La Mantia developed a new membran for gas seperation during hydrogen production. Together with Dr. Jelena Stojadinovic he won the…
Angew. Chem.: RESOLV members Prof. Wolfram Sander from RUB, Dr. Elsa Sanchez-Garcia from MPI for coal research and coworkers characterized the…
Dr. Michael Römelt is funded by the Max Planck society via the „Otto Hahn Award“ for three years. He will establish a junior group within the chair…
RESOLV PI Prof. Stefan Huber received a 1.5 million Euro ERC Starting Grant for his planned research on new catalysts for target-specific drug…
Angew. Chem.: RESOLV members Prof. Simon Ebbinghaus from RUB, Dr. Matthias Heyden from MPI for coal research and coworkers published a new method to…
PNAS: RESOLV probes real-time changes in water dynamics during enzymatic reactions.