Nat. Commun.: Inspired by function-rich biostructures, a host-guest system was formed that exhibits surprisingly low symmetry. In this way circularly…
A genetic modification can make hydrogen-producing enzymes more stable.
The reaction principle requires no expensive and toxic metals. In addition, it enables the production and subsequent transformation of a chemical…
The shape of nanoparticles is a decisive factor in their efficiency as catalysts for the production of green hydrogen.
Angew. Chem.: The toxic cyanide molecule attacks H2-generating enzymes, but at the same time provides new insights into catalysis.
APL Photonics: Researchers unveil a brand new concept for switches with unprecedented speed.
Prof. Edvardas Narevicius is the first international professor appointed by the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr) for its Research Alliance.
Coupled Cluster Theory, a precise electronic structure method, is usually limited to small systems. Researchers have developed an automated neural…
Prof. Roland Winter investigates the molecular basis of biological processes at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at TU Dortmund…
Hydrogen is considered as the fuel of the future. Hydrogenases are enzymes that optimize the reversible oxidation of molecular hydrogen and therefore…
As one of the pioneers of ultra-low temperature chemistry his experiments make it possible to observe novel quantum effects. He is invited to TU…
Carbon nanotubes glow brighter in the presence of neurotransmitters. This facilitates the easy and accurate measurement of signals between nerve…
The scientist particularly convinced the jury with the quality and number of his scientific publications in high-ranking journals.
Interfaces between solid and liquid phases are relevant for many industrial applications. The newly appointed professor at RUB wants to understand…
What a toy: a tiny gyroscope that would fit in a human cell and that can be controlled from the outside.
A new method can measure the electrical (re-)charging of boundary layers between very small, metallic particles and aqueous solutions and understand…
Research into promising materials is hampered by the sheer number of possible candidates. A German-Danish team has developed an efficient method to…
"For seminal contributions to ultrafast science and technology, as well as outstanding service to the optics community."