Solvation science alive

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Apr 2021
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The role of hydrophobic molecules in catalytic reactions

PNAS: Optimising electrochemical processes is one of the challenges in developing technologies for renewable energies. New research findings could…

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Mar 2021
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A stable copper catalyst for CO2 conversion

CO2 can be converted electrochemically into starting materials for industry. So far, however, catalysts that are stable over a long period of time…

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Mar 2021
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Research Team Uses Coal-Tar Dyes to Analyze Bio­mo­le­cules

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.: Solvation scientists from TU Dort­mund Uni­ver­sity has discovered new, promising ways of using well-known coal-tar dyes to…

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Feb 2021
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How to capture an intermediate – and control it

J. Am. Chem. Soc.: Carbenes strongly interact with metal surfaces at the atomic level, solvation scientists show.

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Feb 2021
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Quickly identify high-performance multi-element catalysts

Finding the best material composition among thousands of possibilities is like looking for a needle in a haystack. An international team is combining…

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Dec 2020
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New energy conversion layer for biosolar cells

Angew. Chem.: Photosynthetic proteins can convert light energy into other forms of energy. Researchers want to make this technology usable for the…

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Dec 2020
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Catalytic activity of individual cobalt oxide nanoparticles determined

Angew. Chem.: Analyzing nanoparticles individually is a challenge precisely because they are so small. A new technique using electron microscopy and a…

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Dec 2020
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How water helps the substrate into the enzyme

PNAS: An international research team has investigated water molecules in a tiny cage – and discovered previously unknown properties.

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Nov 2020
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Measuring pH locally with terahertz spectroscopy

Angew. Chem.: Nowadays, it is easy to determine an average pH for larger quantities of liquid. It is a challenge, however, to define a local pH value.

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Nov 2020
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Detecting bacteria with fluorescent nanosensors

Nat. Comm.: Luminous carbon nanotubes detect pathogens – and are quick and easy to use.

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Nov 2020
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Very Precise Distance Measurements in DNA G-Qua­dru­plex Structures

Angew. Chem.: DNA G-qua­dru­plexes play important roles in biological processes and have been identified as promising drug targets, e.g. in anticancer…

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Nov 2020
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Towards a closed carbon cycle

ACS Cat: How supercritical carbon dioxide influences the electrochemical reduction of CO2

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Sep 2020
  • Award


For establishing THz-Spectroscopy as a powerful new tool to study the role of water.

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Aug 2020
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Giant nanomachine aids the immune system

PNAS: A small but important step towards a successful immune reaction is performed by an impressive nanomachine. Researchers use simulations to…

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Aug 2020
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Making enzymes fit for industrial applications

Ang.Chem.: Bacterial enzymes are often powerful but also very sensitive catalysts. To call up their performance, they therefore need a special…

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Aug 2020
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Challenges in the development of electrocatalysts

Ang.Chem.: Efficient catalysts are crucial for energy conversion. However, findings from basic research rarely make it into practice at present.

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Aug 2020
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New kind of interaction discovered in hydrogen-producing enzymes

PNAS: In hydrogenase enzymes, the transports of protons and electrons have been considered to be separate events until now. However, coupling is the…

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Aug 2020
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Selective conversion of reactive lithium compounds made possible

Ang.Chem.: Until now, unwanted by-products have always been produced during the reactions. The catalyst opens up new applications.

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Jul 2020
  • Award

Continuous biomarker monitoring for personalised medicine

Tiny drops of blood are expected to provide millions of data points for big-data analysis in personalised medicine. In order to expand this concept,…

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Jul 2020
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Water molecules are gold for nanocatalysis

ACS Cat.: Some catalysts show remarkable high activity. Thanks to water.

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