Angew.Chem.: Until now, unwanted by-products have always been produced during the reactions. The catalyst opens up new applications.
Tiny drops of blood are expected to provide millions of data points for big-data analysis in personalised medicine. In order to expand this concept,…
ACS Cat.: Some catalysts show remarkable high activity. Thanks to water.
JPC Lett.: Studied in detail, the embedding of hydrophobic molecules in water looks quite different than previously assumed.
J.Mat.Chem.A: By combining light-collecting and photosynthesis proteins of different types, more energy can be produced.
Blazing fast material changes and measurements in the range of femtoseconds: Those are the core aspects of the CRC 1242 of the faculty of physics at…
Angew.Chem.: Water may look like a simple liquid. However, it is anything but simple to analyse. The unique properties of water are only…
Nat.Comm.: Oxygen is the greatest enemy of biocatalysts for energy conversion. A protective film shields them – but only with an additional…
Angew.Chem.: Electrocatalysts can help to obtain chemicals from renewable raw materials or to use alternative energy sources. But testing new…
PNAS: Proteins can expel active pharmaceutical ingredients from the target cells. Now we can watch them as they do it.
Angew.Chem.: A new concept makes it possible to identify the most promising among an abundance of possible element combinations.
Nat. Cat.: Science has come a long way, but there are still some obstacles that prevent a breakthrough.
JACS: New findings are expected to help protect the hydrogen-producing enzymes from harmful oxygen - which is interesting for biotechnological…
JACS: Oxygen threatens sustainable catalysts that use hydrogen to produce electricity in fuel cells. Researchers from Bochum and Marseille have…
Angew. Chem.: Noble-metal-free nanoparticles could serve as catalysts for the production of hydrogen from water. Because they are so small, their…
JACS: Enzymes use cascade reactions to produce complex molecules from comparatively simple raw materials. Researchers have now copied this principle.
Angew. Chem.: Green light affects this chemical compound in a different way than blue light. The molecule is of interest to computer industry as it…
Angew. Chem.: Although water is omnipresent, the interaction between individual water molecules is not yet fully understood.
PNAS: An international research team including the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (MPI CEC) in Germany and The Australian…
Angew.Chem.: Unlike metallic magnets, magnets consisting of organic molecules could be lightweight, transparent, flexible or liquid. Normally,…