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Jan 2016
  • Early Career


The formation of strategic networks is an essential keystone for a scientific career. The Workshop on 28th of January 2016 offered a tool to analyse current research networks and will describe methods to extend networks in an appropriate direction. 12 PhDs, postdocs and junior research group leader participated.

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Jan 2016
  • Colloquium

Computational Chemistry in the Drug Discovery Industry

Dr. Daniel Seeliger

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG Lead Identification and Opt. Support, Ingelheim

14:15 h, in HNC 10

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Jan 2016
  • Outreach
  • Highlight

RESOLV Exhibition

The RESOLV Exhibition about water will be shown from 04.01. - 12.02.2016 in RUB Blue Square in Bochum City Center. There will be an accompanying experimental program for school children.

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Jan 2016
  • Highlight

RESOLV New Year's Reception 2016

In 2016 RESOLV's New Year's Reception took place in RUB Blue Square in Bochum City Center together with the opening of the RESOLV exhibition.

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Dec 2015
  • Colloquium

Recent DFTB extension for improving accuracy and boosting the efficiency for computational applications to nanomaterials

Prof. Thomas Frauenheim

Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science, University of Bremen, Germany

14:15 h, in ND 03/99

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Dec 2015
  • Colloquium

ParLig: Paramagnetic Ligand Tagging to Identify Protein Binding Sites in Solution

Prof. Mate Erdelyi

Department of Chemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Göteborg, Sweden

10:30 h, in ND 03/99


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Dec 2015
  • Early Career


On 9th and 10th of December 2015 up to 12 PhD students can learn how to organise their working life in academia. On the first day Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt will address the specific characteristics and requirement of time management in a research environment in the whole group. The second day is dedicated for individual coachings with the trainer.

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Dec 2015
  • Highlight

RESOLV meets RUB Research

2 pm in Beckmanns Hof


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Dec 2015
Dec 2015
  • Early Career


On 7th of December 2015 Barbara Hoffbauer from KEPOS offers a follow-up day after the workshop on Career Opportunities in November. The focus of the follow-up workshop is on how to write job applications and to train job interview situations.

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