Browse events-archive

Dec 2015
  • Seminar

Nuclear quantum effects in biologically relevant systems from first principles

Dr. Mariana Rossi Carvalho

Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, UK

14:15 h, in NC 03/399

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Nov 2015
  • Seminar

Atomistic modelling of charged oxide-electrolyte interfaces

Prof. Michiel Sprik

University of Cambridge, UK

14:00 h, in Seminarroom 1 MPI Eisenforschung


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Nov 2015
  • Seminar

Large Scale QM Simulations of Periodic Systems: The Cases of Mesoporous Silica and Protein Crystals

Dr. Massimo Delle Piane

Department of Chemistry, University of Torino, Italy

14:15 h, in NC 03/399


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Nov 2015
  • Early Career
  • Transfer


On 17th of November 2015 more than 40 PhD students and early postdocs from RESOLV got the opportunity to talk to CEOs, Department Managers, R&D Managers and Alumni about possible future visions in lively armchair discussions during a delicious dinner buffet. We appreciated to welcome seven industrial representatives as our guests in restaurant Strätlingshof in Bochum. Download the Guest list.

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Nov 2015
  • Seminar

Conformational Memory of Single Photosynthetic Pigment-Protein Complexes. A Precursor of Non-Photochemical Quenching?

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Köhler

Experimental Physics IV and Bayreuth Institute for Macromolecular Research (BIMF), University of Bayreuth

14:00 h, in NC 6/99


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Nov 2015
  • Early Career


On 4th of November 2015 advanced PhD students and early postdocs learned about Career opportunites after the PhD in science and industry from Barbara Hoffbauer, trainer at KEPOS. The Workshop was fully booked and the need for a follow-up workshop was made clear.

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Oct 2015
  • Seminar

To Be Soluble, or Not to Be, That is a Question

Prof. Sihyun Ham

Department of Chemistry, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea

14:00 h, in NC 03/399


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Oct 2015
  • Highlight

RESOLV Annual General Assembly

RUB Conference Center

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Oct 2015
Oct 2015
  • Seminar

New light on liquid structure, solvation, and protein denaturation

Prof. Dr. Sander Woutersen

Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Amsterdam

14 h, in NC 6/99

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