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Jun 2023
  • Events
  • Workshop
  • Early Career
  • Gender

Empowering Your Presence For Convincing With Confidence And Cogency – Presenting Yourself And Your Research

June 21st - 22nd

Two-day Workshop (Face-to-Face-Event) for PhDs and PostDocs

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May 2023
  • Early Career
  • iGSS
  • Outreach

Summer School 2023

May 30th – June 2nd 2023

at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, ZEMOS

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Apr 2023
  • Outreach
  • Gender

Girls & Boys Day

Empowering Minds, Shaping Futures: Girls for Science!


April 27th, 2023


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Mar 2023
  • Outreach

RESOLV at Jugend Forscht

RESOLV takes part in the well-known youth competition "Jugend Forscht" and shows participating pupils how top scientists work in the field of Solvation Science.

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Mar 2023
  • Highlight

RESOLV's Retreat 2023

March 8th-10th

Hotel-Residence Klosterpforte

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Feb 2023
  • Highlight

New Years Reception 2023

23th February 2023

TU Dortmund University


Campus Süd / Baroper Strasse 297

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Feb 2023
  • Outreach
  • Gender

Day of Women in Science

We celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science!

February, 10th 2023


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Nov 2022
  • Workshop
  • Early Career
  • Transfer

Ready for Future – Broaden your Skillset for different Career Paths

The workshop “Ready for Future – Broaden your Skillset for different Career Paths” is a workshop designed by START4CHEM especially for the RESOLV graduate school. The aim of the workshop is to enable PHD students to identify relevant future trends in their research field in order to be able to develop application scenarios and communicate them to different target groups through the method of pitching. The workshop spans a total of four afternoons of 4 hours each.


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Nov 2022
  • Colloquium
  • Highlight

Fully RESOLVed? – One Decade is not Enough!

Fully RESOLVed? – One Decade is not Enough!


Celebrations for the 10th anniversary of RESOLV


November 02nd - 04th, 2022

at Zeche Zollverein, Essen

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Sep 2022
  • Highlight

RESOLV's Retreat 2022

September 28th-30th, 2022

Location to be announced

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