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Jun 2022
  • Early Career
  • Transfer

Career Day 2022

"What will I do after my graduation?" - This is a question occurs to many students at the end of their studies. To help with this question, the Career Day was held on June 9th as part of the Summer School Solvation Science 2022. For an entire afternoon, attendees were able to learn from five experts from various industries.


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Jun 2022
  • Early Career
  • iGSS
  • Outreach

Summer School 2022

June 7th-10th 2022

at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, ZEMOS

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Mar 2022
  • Early Career
  • Seminar
  • Transfer

Entrepreneurship Session at the RESOLV Online Seminar 2022

Have you ever wondered how much entrepreneurial potential there is in your research topic? Or do you already have a business idea? In this Online Seminar two initiatives that can support and accompany your project are introduced: Start4Chem and

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Mar 2022
  • Events
  • Workshop
  • Early Career

Make an impact! Confident scientific presentation: Body, voice, arguments

Workshop 1: March 22/23, 2022 (only female participants)

Workshop 2: April 5/6, 2022

Two-day Workshop (Face-to-Face-Event) for PhDs and PostDocs

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Mar 2022
  • Highlight

RESOLV's New Years Reception 2022

March 21st, 2022

at Ruhr-University Bochum, Conference Center

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Mar 2022
  • Gender

Joint Gender and Science Meeting NCCR-MUST & RESOLV

March 9th-12th, 2022

at Stoos (Switzerland)

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Mar 2022
  • Events
  • Early Career

Spring Meeting

March 1st, 2022 Brainstorming Sessions PI/PS

March 2nd, 2022 ECR Workshop

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Sep 2021
  • Workshop
  • Early Career
  • Transfer

Entrepreneurship Session at the RESOLV Klausurtagung 2021

Saskia Weise-Poetschke from "Young Entrepreneurs in Science" and Annabell Beyer and Frederik Lehmann from "Start4Chem" present their workshop and consulting program in front of RESOLV's PhD students and Postdocs. Afterwards the Early Career Researchers within RESOLV get the opportunity to ask questions and to discuss their business ideas with the speakers.

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Sep 2021
  • Highlight

RESOLV's Retreat 2021

September 27-29, 2021

Hotel-Residence Klosterpforte

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Aug 2021
  • Colloquium
  • Transfer

Hydrophobic Effects and Water-Mediated Self-Assembly

August 13-20, 2021 - Virtual conference

Solvation Science Symposium at the IUPAC | CCCE 2021

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