Browse events-archive

Jul 2015
  • Colloquium

Ultrafast dynamics of electron and ion solvation at ice-metal interfaces

Prof. Dr. Uwe Bovensiepen

Department of Physics, University Duisburg-Essen

14:00 h, in NC 3/99


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Jun 2015
  • Seminar

Fibril growth of Ab40-pepetides: Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects

Dr. Nadine Schwierz

Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, USA

14:15 h, in NC 03/399


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Jun 2015
  • Colloquium
  • Transfer

Dr. Andreas Burgard, Sanofi-Aventis GmbH, Germany

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

17:15 in room IC 04/410

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Jun 2015
  • Gender

International Women Scientist Meeting 2015

The second International Women Scientist Meeting was held on 16th and 17th of June, 2015 at the Ruhr-University in Bochum. The Meeting was organized by the International Female Faculty founded by RESOLV in collaboration with the NCCR MUST Network. More information on NCCR MUST can be found here.

We had the pleasure to welcome five international speakers from the US National Science Foundation, the National Academies, USA, DexLeChem, a start-up company in Berlin, and the Department of Chemical…

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Jun 2015
  • Colloquium
  • Transfer

Dr. Michael Becker, hte GmbH, Germany

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

17:15 in room IC 04/410

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Jun 2015
  • Outreach
  • Highlight

Blaupause at RUB

On 06th of June, 2015 RESOLV presented its current research and outreach activities at the "Blaupause" during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Ruhr-University Bochum.

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Jun 2015
  • Seminar

Coupled electron-nuclear dynamics in non-adiabatic process: The exact factorization approach

Dr. Federica Agostini

Theory Department, Max-Planck-Institute for Microstructure Physics, Halle, Germany

14:15 h, in NC 03/399

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Jun 2015
  • Seminar

Excited states and molecular interactions: How may look charge maps of clusters in Franck-Condon states?

Prof. Dr. Cs. Luis A. Montero-Cabrera

Facultad de Química Universidad de La Habana

13:00 h, in NC 4/174

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Jun 2015
  • Colloquium
  • Transfer

Dr. Rico Czaja, c-LEcta GmbH

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

17:15 in room IC 04/410

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Jun 2015
  • Outreach
  • Transfer
  • Highlight


From 15th until 19th of June, 2015 TranSOLV will present the leading research in the field of Solvation Science at the "ACHEMA - Weltforum und 31. Internationale Leitmesse der ProzessindustrieBlaupause" in Frankfurt.

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