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May 2015
  • iGSS
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GSS Summer School 2015

The second GSS Summer School took place from 25th to 29th of May 2015. We had the pleasure to welcome 12 international participants from five different countries and more than 80 participants in total.


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May 2015
  • Seminar

Molecular simulations at different resolutions: atomistic, coarsegrained, and mixed

Dr. Mario Orsi

School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London, UK

14:15 h, in NC 03/399

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May 2015
  • Seminar

Thermodynamics of membrane-protein stability and protein-ligand interactions

Prof. Sandro Keller

Molekulare Biophysik, Fachbereich Biologie, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern

17:15 h, in NC 6/99


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May 2015
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Bunsentagung Solvation Science

From 14th to 16th May 2015 the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV hosted the 114th General Assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry (Bunsentagung) with the main topic "Solvation Science" at the Ruhr-University Bochum. More than 600 international researchers took part.

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May 2015
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  • Outreach

Festvortrag Chemie-Nobelpreis

Am Do, 14.05.2015 um 18:45 Uhr berichtete Prof. Stefan Hell im Audimax der Ruhr-Universität über seine Forschungen zum Chemie-Nobelpreis 2014. Zahlreiche Bürger der Stadt Bochum besuchten zu diesem Anlass die Ruhr-Universität.

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May 2015
  • Seminar

Exploring biomolecular hydration thermodynamics with grid cell theory

Dr. Julien Michel

School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

16:15 h, in MPI Mülheim

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May 2015
  • Seminar

Understanding Isomerization – Insight from hybrid QM/MM molecular dynamics simulations

Dr. Igor Schapiro

Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Université de Strasbourg, France

14:15 h, in NC 03/399


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May 2015
  • Colloquium
  • Transfer

Christa Ring, Bayer Technology Services GmbH, Germany

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

17:15 in room IC 04/410

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Apr 2015
  • Seminar

On the principles of coarse-graining

Prof. Dr. Sereina Riniker

Laboratory for Physical Chemistry, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

14:15 h, in NC 03/399


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Apr 2015
  • Seminar

Computational exploration of water structure and dynamics at heterogeneous interfaces

Dr. Prashant Kumar Gupta c/o Prof. Markus Meuwly

Department of Chemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland

14:15 h, in NC 03/399

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