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Jun 2015
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Blaupause at RUB

On 06th of June, 2015 RESOLV presented its current research and outreach activities at the "Blaupause" during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Ruhr-University Bochum.

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Jun 2015
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From 15th until 19th of June, 2015 TranSOLV will present the leading research in the field of Solvation Science at the "ACHEMA - Weltforum und 31. Internationale Leitmesse der ProzessindustrieBlaupause" in Frankfurt.

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May 2015
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Festvortrag Chemie-Nobelpreis

Am Do, 14.05.2015 um 18:45 Uhr berichtete Prof. Stefan Hell im Audimax der Ruhr-Universität über seine Forschungen zum Chemie-Nobelpreis 2014. Zahlreiche Bürger der Stadt Bochum besuchten zu diesem Anlass die Ruhr-Universität.

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Jan 2015
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High Resolution – Focus on Research

School students get the chance to experience scientific work in the project "High Resolution – Focus on Research". RESOLV students introduce them into their work fields and talk about science and the academic life. Read more in our blog post "That's funny".

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May 2014
  • Outreach
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50 Years - 50 Talks

RESOLV participated in the seminar talk series of the Ruhr University Bochum "50 years - 50 talks". The event was one of the special event series for the 50th anniversary of Ruhr University Bochum. (German)

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