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Aug 2014
  • iGSS

SOMATAI Summer School

The Summer School of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) "Soft Matter at Aqueous Interfaces" (SOMATAI) took place from 15.08. - 25.08. in Berlin. The ITN is financed by the EU's 7th Framework Programme.

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Jul 2014
  • iGSS

GSS Newcomer's Evening

On 03.07.2014 Prof. Dr. Marcus Petermann (Dean of GSS) welcomed all new GSS members in the RESOLV Seminar Room at RUB. Dr. Rachel Glaves gave an overview of the Graduate School and its curriculum and afterwards the students got the opportunity to get to know each other better while enjoying pizza and beer. Please download the programme HERE . The presentation about the GSS can be found in our intranet giving a good introduction into GSS activities.

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Jun 2014
  • iGSS
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GSS Summer School 2014

The first GSS Summer School took place from June 10th to 13th 2014 in the RUB Conference Center and at RESOLV's participating institutes. We had the pleasure to welcome more than 60 participants that could experience two days of lectures and two days of hands-on courses.

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Oct 2013
  • iGSS
  • Highlight


The first GSS Autumn Workshop took place on the 28th and 29th October, 2013 in RUB Beckmanns Hof. There were 2 plenary talks by Early Career Researchers and Prof. Dr. Martina Havenith gave an overview of RESOLV. In the main part, 20 GSS doctoral students gave a short oral presentation of their research projects.


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Apr 2013
  • iGSS


A Welcome and Information Evening took place on 29.04.2013 in Beckmanns Hof, giving the new GSS members an overview of the Graduate School and its curriculum. It was also the perfect opportunity for the students get to know each other better while enjoying a glass of beer or wine at the Italian buffet, which rounded off the evening nicely. The presentation about the GSS can be found in our Intranet.

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Jan 2013
  • iGSS

Graduate School Solvation Science Founded

The Graduate School Solvation Science (GSS) founded:

Beim Neujahrsempfang am 9. Januar eröffnete der Exzellenzcluster RESOLV (Ruhr Explores Solvation) seine Graduiertenschule Solvation Science (GSS). Ein innovatives Promotionsprogramm verspricht den Mitgliedern, viel Erfahrung im Ausland zu sammeln, sich gut mit Kooperationspartnern zu vernetzen, die Inhalte mitzubestimmen und Fähigkeiten außerhalb der Wissenschaft zu erwerben.

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